

请浏览 教育领导计划网站 并了解更多关于硕士学位(M.Ed.)作为主背书的准备.

EDAD 570教育研究方法
This course focuses on analysis of diverse types of educational research; familiarization with research resources and literature survey procedures; evaluation of educational research; implications for, 并应用于, 教育实践. The course emphasizes scientific methods of investigation; development of competency to conduct a research study and write a research paper.

EDAD 528 Leading Standards Driven Instruction
本课程探讨了管理者作为教学领导者的角色,重点是管理与州立大学和职业准备标准一致的课程和教学. 学生将在课程和学生评估中发展技能,以不断改进学校. 与审计课程相关的技能, 审查结果, and making recommendations for improvement are applied.

EDAD 509 Educational Policy and 教育领袖的政治
这门课程是对政治和教育这一复杂且经常有争议的领域的介绍. 它探讨了美国教育组织和管理的原则和问题, 包括当地, 区域, 状态, 以及联邦系统. 学生们在一年一度的立法会议期间通过拆解教育政策制定来审视政策制定组织的角色. 学生们在与政策制定者和领导人沟通时运用他们的学习,以阐明和计划实施他们地区最近的法规变更.

EDAD 533 Multicultural 多样性 and 教育领导
本课程的重点是在一个多元化的社会中领导教育机构意味着什么. The educational leader’s role in creating an inclusive learning environment is explored. 该课程包括政策、理论和实践,因为它们与不同的学校人口有关.

本课程为学生担任小学或中学校长的角色做准备,重点是在校长角色中自信和成功所需的当前实际领导技能. 本课程的重点是1)在当今瞬息万变的教育环境中,有效的校长应该知道什么,能够做什么, 2)当前有效学校领导的最佳实践和具体领导技能的实践. 本课程还为学生在学习型组织的框架内准备当今学校的系统组成部分, i.e., an organization focused on student achievement; faculty, 工作人员, administrative and board professional development; and, parent involvement and community engagement as part of continuous improvement.

EDAD 535学校财务
本课程概述了学校财务和建筑级别的日常资金运作. 本课程还探讨了资助学校的理论和应用,并应用于爱达荷州的学校. 学生将发展管理技能, 概念, 以及在一个地区内制定和管理建筑级别预算所需的信息.

EDAD 595 Administration and 人员监督
This course is designed to prepare school administrators for effective hiring, supervision and evaluation of certificated and non-certificated personnel. 本课程强调监督和评估过程,以提高员工的绩效. Students will learn application of Idaho statutes, case law, and school district policies. 学生将有机会使用国家批准的评估框架对教师的表现进行评分.

EDAD 513 Administration of Special Education Law
本课程旨在深入探讨与提供特殊教育和学生服务有关的法律问题. This course examines current legal frameworks, 包括, 但不限于判例法, statutes and regulations used to address issues in this area.

EDAD 530 Ethical 领导 and 教育中的法律
本课程全面概述了美国和爱达荷州中小学教育的伦理和法律原则. The course familiarizes students with statutory, 监管, 以及侧重于爱达荷州的判例法, as well as general administrative and constitutional law principles affecting education. Students will examine ethical dilemmas and case law.

1 - 16学分
实习的目的是提供一系列的实践经验和专业挑战,在真实的教育环境,帮助学生准备承担校长的角色, Superintendent of Schools and Special Education Directors.

You may choose to earn a second master’s degree.

然而, if you already hold a Master’s Degree (for example: Master in Teaching), you may be interested in earning an Education Specialist (Ed.S.) Degree 为委托人背书做准备. 教育专家学位(编.S.)由30个硕士学位学分加上30个研究生课程学分组成,共计60个学分.

»了解更多: 教育专业学位


  • EDAD 570 -教育研究方法
  • EDAD 528 – Leading Standards Driven Instruction


  • EDAD 509 -政策 & 教育领袖的政治
  • EDAD 530 -道德领导 & 教育中的法律


  • 公元534年-公国
  • EDAD 535 -学校财务


  • EDAD 595 -管理 & 人员监督
  • EDAD 513 – Administration of Special Education Law
  • EDAD 598 – Internship, Building Level (1 credit)


  • EDAD 533 -多元文化的多样性 & Ed的领导
  • EDAD 598 – Internship, Building Level (2 credits)

The courses are taught live, face-to-face with online components. 绝大多数, 如果不是所有的课程在队列中, will be taught by West Ada School District leaders. All face-to-face courses will meet at the West Ada District Service – Training Center. Two courses are taught most semesters; over the 16-week period one course is taught the first eight weeks and a second course is taught during the final eight weeks in the semester. 因此, following a quarterly course schedule during the Fall/Spring 2023-24, 2024年夏天, and Fall/2024年春季-25 semesters AND aligns to the West Ada school calendar. 学习成果, 作业, 阅读, 材料, 以及专门设计用于模拟我们西艾达建筑管理员当前实践/程序的项目. You’ll finish and graduate with the 365滚球官网 in May 2025.

行政实习发生在接近项目完成,跨越两个学期. 学生将在2024年秋季学期完成EDAD 598实习课程的1个学分,在2025年春季完成2个学分. 经地区批准, 学生可能被允许在自己的大楼内完成全部或部分实习经验, working with their building administrator(s).

访问 教育领导-研究生招生 然后点击“现在申请”按钮.

Current admission requirements for the 教育领导 Program can be found at the 教育领导网站.

The 2nd West Ada cohort program will begin coursework 2023年秋季; includes coursework spring, summer and fall semesters 2024; and complete 2025年春季. A typical semester is 2 courses and 6 credits. Fall semester of 2024 would be a 7-credit load, with 1 credit of internship in addition to the 2 courses. Spring of 2025 would be only 5 credits, with one course and 2 credits of internship. 请浏览 队列学位路线图 打印版本.

The number of hours per week students spend on their studies outside of class varies. Graduate-level courses in this program are designed with a student-centered focus, 在提供一个具有挑战性的, 高品质的学习体验. 每门课学生每周可以有3-5个小时的课外时间.

申请人需要有4年的认证教学经验才有资格获得行政认可. 这意味着,你可能只拥有不到4年的认证经验.

The Idaho State Board of Education publishes the eligibility requirements for a Standard Administrator Certificate, School Principal Endorsement. 这里有一个链接 document published by the Idaho State Board of Education. 一定要向下滚动到第10页.03.a.i-v.) to learn more about eligibility requirements.

 如果您对背书或机构推荐背书有其他问题, 请随时联系博士. Bethani Studebaker bstudebaker@zizhanggui.com

  • Please indicate your interest in being a part of the cohort in your 状态ment of purpose, which is part of the required application 材料.
  • Request a recommendation letter from WASD Superintendent, Dr. Derek Bub, principal/building administrator and one from a colleague.








College of 教育、卫生和人文科学


电子邮件: lead@zizhanggui.com
